1st annual Pride Creative Enterprise Week

Nigeria’s youth population face huge challenges finding gainful employment. While the country’s official unemployment rate is now 18.8%, the most affected group are young people under the age of 35.

A staggering 53.3% of youth are currently unemployed. Against the backdrop of an ailing economy, finding creative and innovative solutions to high unemployment among the youth is an urgent concern to every well-meaning Nigerian citizen who has the welfare of youths at heart.

The Pride Lagos Creative Enterprise Week (PLCEW) proffers how our unemployed youth can get the necessary skills to economical empower themselves through the gig economy. The gig economy is defined as a flourishing environment of short-term contracts or freelance work. PLCEW is an initiative, which aims to help our creatives’ upskill and assist them in marketing themselves successfully locally and internationally.

The gig economy offers veritable solutions to youth unemployment by creating much needed opportunities, both for those seeking work and those looking to expand their skills. The prevalence of independent workers is on the increase internationally and the potential benefits for Nigeria’s creative youths are only just starting to be explored. Any skilled creative in any city in Nigeria can work and deliver value to the rest of the world with the added benefit of being able to earn dollars and spend in naira. However, young Nigerians need to hone internationally recognised skills to engage and compete in the gig economy.

Solving the youth unemployment crisis requires imaginative solutions and collective action, which recognises the importance of skills development to unlock decent work opportunities both here at home and abroad.

The PLCEW is putting together courses for young people who want to expand their skillset but cannot afford expensive courses or enrolment in tertiary institutions. The courses are designed and structured to enable creatives’ gain fundamental knowledge and skills to enable them thrive in the workplace. By taking advantage of the structured courses, Nigerian youths can kick-start their careers and sharpen their skills to compete in the global digital economy.

Individuals, corporations, NGOs, government agencies, and foreign embassies that wish to sponsor the PLWEC event or facilitate workshops, seminars, and master classes can get in touch via email Let all hands be on deck to work towards getting our youths gainfully employed.